Hey there.

I'm Mark Noonan, an independent web developer based in Atlanta, Georgia. I like solving real-world problems in fun and approachable ways, usually using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and patience. If you just can't wait for more details, see the Projects section for some examples.

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About Me

Before moving to Atlanta, I lived and went to college in Ireland, where I studied Music and English, finishing with an MA in Ethnomusicolgy from University College Cork. (It's the most fun of the all the musicologies.) I’ve worked in retail, finance, music, and disability support, but there’s a thread of web-related coding going all the way back to the early 2000s.

I have made simple sites for personal projects and small organizations since I was a teenager, and in more recent years felt drawn to JavaScript and PHP to create more powerful web applications. After starting with small interactive poetry projects, I used online resources like freeCodeCamp's Front-End Developer Certificate to move beyond my comfort zone. Combining the power of JS and PHP with my years of working almost exclusively with HTML and CSS has been great. Now I've worked on some stuff that I'm pretty proud of and is useful to others:

  1. A custom-built schedule creator and email generator for my current company.

  2. A fully working prototype of a much-needed update to MARTA's paratransit service website. Client ID "test" and password "test" produce dummy data, but any real MARTA credentials provide actual trip details and uses color to show how early or late the next trip will be. This project was conceived at the first MARTA Hackathon and is ongoing with support from MARTA. Many of the original team members keep in touch and continue the work.

  3. A complete redesign of folkmusic.com on top of a modified Weebly template with hand-coded modules for industry-specific tasks like displaying tour dates and searching for lyrics. Weebly is simple enough that minor changes can be made by non-technical team members, but flexible enough that I can use arbitrary JS and CSS as needed to extend or replace the features.

To relax I play guitar or banjo, and walk the world's best dog.

Technical Skills

Technical Skills


I mostly write plain HTML in Atom with a few plugins to speed things up. I quite often use HandlebarsJS for templating and it's a very natural fit. I've worked with Jade/Pug a little.


I don't mind working with LESS/SASS but usually don't reach for them unless a project is already using them. I occasionally use Bootstrap for things (like this portfolio page!).


I most often work in vanilla JS and pull in small libraries and polyfills as needed. I have some familiarity with jQuery, AngularJS, and Ember but my typical projects don't call for them.


I use PHP for fetching and formatting data (especially if a CORS proxy is needed or data will be consumed multiple other places), sending emails, web scraping, or creating, saving, and merging files on a server. It's a hoot.

Debugging the Front End

I love figuring stuff out in Chrome's dev tools and making things work. Every stupid bug teaches me something about the language. Or the browser. Or my own assumptions.

Power Cords

If you have a big ol' mess of cords someplace, I will untangle that situation for free. Christmas lights, garden hoses, whatever you need. Let's talk.